Roger Melis, 2025
»Die Künstler vom Prenzlauer Berg - Fotografien 1988/89«
Roger Melis, who had already set up a studio in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg district in 1968, began an “excursion into the neighborhood” in autumn 1988. For almost a year, he visited young artists and writers who had also settled in the run-down working-class district in the 1980s and pursued their artistic work there, sometimes turning their backs on the official art scene, sometimes on its fringes. Dissatisfied with the ossified conditions, Melis looked to the representatives of the younger generation for new impulses and portrayed painters, graphic artists, sculptors, composers, poets, photographers and musicians as protagonists of a subcultural awakening movement. The rebellious gesture of her work also inspired him to break new ground in his portraits, to give spaces and backgrounds greater weight than usual. The first result of his work was an exhibition in the Berlin gallery “M”, which fittingly opened on the eve of the Berlin autumn demonstrations and witnessed the liberating fall of the Wall. In this book, published on the occasion of two retrospectives of his work, the series can be seen again for the first time in context and is accompanied by texts by the art historian Eugen Blume and the poet Uwe Kolbe.
Roger Melis (1940-2009), after starting out as a scientific photographer, worked as a freelance portrait, reportage and fashion photographer for newspapers, magazines and publishers in East and West Berlin from 1968.
27.09.2025 – 11.01.2026
Hrsg. v. Bernd Heise, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden und Annette Tietz, Galerie Pankow Berlin, Lehmstedt Verlag, Leipzig; mit Texten von Eugen Blume und Uwe Kolbe, 27 × 24 cm, 112 Seiten, 45 Duotone-Abb., ISBN 978-3-95797-176-0 -- 25 €

Wilhelm Müller, 2024
»Wilhelm Müller«
A catalog will be produced as part of the exhibition,
Please leave your contact details at the museum ticket desk if you would like to be notified when the catalog is published. You are also welcome to contact us by e-mail at leonhardi-museum@museen-dresden.de.

Andreas Bräunsdorf, 2024
His straightforward drawings from 2006 to 2014, in which the artist portrayed acquaintances and friends, are the result of concentrated vision, empathy and a trace left behind by the pencil. On each of the sheets, Bräunsdorf takes nature as his starting point and grows respectably closer to reality. They owe their beauty to Bräunsdorf's clearly formulated, powerful strokes. Manual labour as a means of self-expression merges with a feeling for the subject, which only becomes comprehensible with the help of tracing from line to line.
For him, painting means ‘awakening memory’, redefining himself in confrontation with traces from the past. To this end, he positions himself in the space between nature and culture, between expanse and depth, appearance and reality. The fact that his interior pictures occupy a prominent place in his work is precisely the result of this realisation.
Hrsg. von Bernd Heise für Leonhardi-Museum Dresden; Werkfotos: Herbert Boswank, Text: Christoph Tannert, Deutsch / Englisch, übersetzt von Patrick Boris Kremer, 26 × 21 cm, 69 Seiten, 49 Abb. -- 18 €

Jürgen Köhler, 2024
Since the beginning of his artistic career, Jürgen Köhler (* 1954) has focussed entirely on drawing. In his figurative, situational and non-objective pictorial inventions, the artist regularly draws on relevant motifs from art history and their iconographic framework themes in order to illustrate his relationship to time and the world.
In their richness of fantasy, his drawings often resemble the works of children or so-called outsiders, even if their content is characterised by myths, religiosity, eroticism and sexuality. They show signs, figures, icy nature and technoid geometries, conjure up our hidden and buried memories and thoughts and open up erratic spaces filled with metaphors and allegories.
His figures do not come exclusively from the European understanding of images; they are familiar with the fascinating strangeness of Japanese woodcuts, the masquerades of mysterious rituals or scenes from the Nō theatre, which is incomprehensible to us. Yet his drawings have nothing ideological about them, no preconceived programme, no message; they are still committed to the abysses of the unconscious even where they focus on so-called reality.
Hrsg. v. Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Verlag Kettler, Dortmund; mit Texten von Eugen Blume, 28,5 × 20 cm, 96 Seiten, 82 Abb. -- 24 €
Texts in German language only.

Hendrik Silbermann, 2023
»Die Logik der Destruktion«
Hendrik Silbermann is showing works from recent years at the Leonhardi-Museum Dresden. In addition to video objects, sculptures and drawings, “My Archive Of Things”, a photographic archive of 648 objects and the spatial installation “The Dance On The Volcano Or The Logic Of Destruction” (which gave the exhibition its name) can be seen.
Hrsg. v. Bernd Heise, mit Texten von Gerhard Graulich, Saskia Trebing, Charlotte Silbermann, 28,5 × 20 cm, 79 Seiten, 61 farb. Abb. -- 18,00 €
Texts in German language only.

Frank Höhler, 2023
Over four decades, Frank Höhler has developed an impressive, thematically and formally extremely diverse oeuvre. The portrait has been an essential constant from the very beginning. After excellent portraits of musicians (1988--2010), in recent years Höhler has devoted himself to the series “Artist Portraits”. The field is deliberately broad. In addition to visual artists, Höhler also photographs writers, book artists, art historians and cultural journalists. The focus is not only on the person, but also on their living environment, above all the place where they work and find inspiration - be it a studio, a desk or a café. Of course, the photographer knows that the subjects always remain masters of the staging, but what conclusions can nevertheless be drawn from these double portraits of artists and their studios, of writers and their desks? The Dresden photographer's selection is superficially personal, but reflects the network of the East German art and culture scene in which Höhler moved and still moves through friendship or personal acquaintance. His approach is a continuation of what was omnipresent in the alternative art scene of the GDR in the 1980s at the latest: art does not stop at the boundaries of one's own profession, but develops its greatest diversity and creativity only in exchange with other forms of expression. Like the photographer, the people portrayed were mostly born and grew up in the GDR with its narrow borders, coming of age at a time when this state was already slowly drifting towards its end. What seems inevitable today from the distance of time was by no means certain back then. Circumstances have left their mark on art and biographies. In sum, the individuals photographed by Frank Höhler at their place of work form a third portrait: that of a very specific artistic environment that had developed from the particular conditions of the time. In this respect, Frank Höhler's portraits of artists are a special kind of contemporary document: nothing less than the mirror of an entire cultural scene that can probably only be found here in this form. The book is the fifth volume in the series “archiv der fotografen”, with which the Deutsche Fotothek presents formative positions in German photography.
Verlag der Kunst Dresden (Volume 5 of the series “archiv der fotografen”)
Herausgeber: Jens Bove, Bernd Heise
Texte: Jens Bove, Simone Fleischer
27,5 × 24,5 cm | 155 Seiten | 118 s/w duoton Abbildungen – 29,95 €
Texts in German language only.

Jürgen Wenzel, 2023
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Texte: Matthias Flügge
24,0 × 21,5 cm | 47 Seiten | 25 farb. Abb. – 15,00 €
Texts in German language only.

Henriette Grahnert, 2022
»Abstrakt in Disko«
Städtisches Museum Engen + Galerie, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst Zitadelle Spandau, in Zusammenarbeit mit Galerie Kleindienst
Texte: deutsch Velten Wagner / englisch in einer Übersetzung von Gunnar Wendel
26,8 × 21,7 cm | 96 Seiten | 49 farb. Abb. – 24,00 €

Manfred Zoller, 2022
»Collagen und Assemblagen«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Galerie Pankow Berlin
Herausgeber: Bernd Heise und Annette Tietz
Text: Matthias Flügge
28,5 × 22,4 cm | 79 S. | 62 farbige Abb. – 20,00 €

Ricarda Roggan, 2022
Spector Books, Leipzig
Herausgeber: Bernd Heise, Ricarda Roggan
20 × 16 cm | 301 S. | 108 s/w Abb. – 30,00 €

Helga Paris, 2021
Spector Books, Leipzig
Herausgeber: Bernd Heise, Franziska Schmidt, Inka Schube
Texte: Gerhard Wolf, Eugen Blume
24,5 × 18,5 cm | 152 S. | 80 s/w Abb. – 34,00 €

»The School of Fontainebleau (Übermalungen)«
Galerie Pankow Berlin / Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Herausgeber: Matthias Flügge, Bernd Heise, Annette Tietz
Text: Matthias Flügge
33,5 × 24,5 cm | 56 S. | s/w Abb. – 28,00 €

Mark Lammert, 2020
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Matthias Flügge and Jurriaan Benschop as well as a conversation between Matthias Flügge and Mark Lammert
23,5 × 27,5 cm | 168 S. | farb. Abb. | leinengebunden – 30,00 €

Petra Kasten, 2020
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Matthias Flügge, Emilia Krellmann
28 × 20,5 cm | 74 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Barbara Klemm, 2019
»OSTEN – Bilder aus Osteuropa und der DDR«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Matthias Flügge
28,5 × 24,5 cm | 72 S. | s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

DEKALOG 1–10, 2019
»Assoziationsraum Katalog«
Guardini Stiftung und Stiftung St. Matthäus – Kerber ART 2018, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Eugen Blume, Matthias Flügge, Frizzi Krella, Mark Lammert, Irina Liebmann
28 × 18,5 cm | 223 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 32,00 €

Maix Mayer, 2019
»barosphere 15 – 19«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Susanne Figner, Matthias Flügge, Jan Kuhlbrodt, Maix Mayer, Xiam Reyam, Ingo Schulz, Inge Schulze
26,5 × 21,5 cm | 139 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. | with inlaid vinyl single Die Stadt – 29,00 €

Gerhard Kettner, 2018
Galerie Pankow Berlin, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Anke Fröhlich, Schauseil, Manfred Zoller
26,5 × 21,5 cm | 95 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

RASTERN., 2018
»Siebdruck in Dresden«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Claudia Reichardt (Hrsg.), Irina Claußnitzer
24 × 17 cm | 95 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 19,95 €

Joachim Richau, 2018
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Kehrer Verlag
Text: Katrin Arrieta, Peter Kruska, Christiane Stahl
33,5 × 23,5 cm | 80 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 30,00 €

Fritz Klemm, 2018
»Malerei und Arbeiten auf Papier«
Kunstmuseum Ahlen, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Jürgen Partenheimer, Dagmar Schmidt
29 × 23 cm | 120 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 24,00 €

Ines Beyer, 2017
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Hering | Konstanze Rudert | Agnes Matthias
27,5 × 20,5 cm | 124 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Walter Libuda, 2017
Lyonel-Feininger-Galerie Quedlinburg, Galerie Pankow Berlin, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Freitag
24,4 × 22,5 cm | 160 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Manfred Paul, 2017
»NATURE MORTE 1983 – 1985«
Spector Books / Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Eugen Blume
31,5 × 24,5 cm | 37 S. | s/w Abb. – 35,00 €

Manfred Paul, 2017
»DRESDEN 1984 – 1988«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Eugen Blume
31,5 × 24,5 cm | 33 S.| s/w Abb. – 30,00 €

Thomas Matauschek, 2017
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Holger Birkholz | Johann Heinrich Merck | Thomas Matauschek
30,5 × 23 cm | 96 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Christoph Rodde, 2016
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Agnes Matthias
28 × 20 cm | 103 S. | farb. Abb. – 20,00 €

Wieland Payer, 2016
Lyonel-Feininger-Galerie Quedlinburg, Galerie Rothamel Frankfurt a. M., Angermuseum Erfurt und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Freitag
30,5 × 24,5 cm | 71 S. | farb. Abb. – 19,00 €

Frank Mädler, 2016
Fotohof Edition Salzburg und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Agnes Matthias
27,7 × 21,5 cm | 190 S. | farb. Abb. – 29,00 €

Wolfgang Adalbert Scheffler, 2016
»Wolfgang Adalbert Scheffler – Dokumentation einer Ausstellung«
Leonhardi Museum Dresden
Herausgeber: Bernd Heise
27 × 21 cm | 152 S. | 40 Seiten | farbige Abb. – 10,00 €

Wolfgang Adalbert Scheffler, 2016
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden und Galerie Pankow Berlin
Text: Matthias Flügge
27 × 21 cm | 64 S. | s/w Abb. – 15,00 €

Tobias Stengel, 2015
Leonhardi Museum Dresden
Text: Susanne Greinke
28,5 x 21,5 cm | 62 S.| farb. Abb. – 18,00 €

Christoph Roßner, 2015
Leonhardi Museum Dresden
Text: Holger Birkholz
28 × 21,5 cm | 49 S.| farb. Abb. – 18,00 €

Frank Maasdorf, 2015
Leonhardi Museum Dresden
Text: Sigrid Walther, A.R. Penck, Wolfram Hänsch
29,5 × 21,5 cm | 68 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 20,00 €

Ulrich Lindner, 2015
Leonhardi Museum Dresden
Text: Matthias Flügge
32,5 × 24,5 cm | 80 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Ernst Schroeder, 2014
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden + Addendum to the list of works
Text: Jörg Makarinus, Matthias Flügge, Bernd Heise
28,5 × 24,5 cm | 79 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Hans Theo Richter-Preis 1998 – 2014
On the occasion of the 10th award of the Hans Theo Richter Prize, the Saxon Academy of Arts, the Kupferstich-Kabinett of the Dresden State Art Collections and the Hildegard and Hans Theo Richter Foundation, in collaboration with the Leonhardi Museum Dresden, are organizing the exhibition
»Hans Theo Richter-Preisträger 1998 – 2014«
1998 Max Uhlig
1999 Jirí Kolár
2000 Paula Ribariu, Werner Wittig
2001 Peter Graf
2003 Thomas Ranft
2005 Lutz Fleischer
2007 Wolfram A. Scheffler
2010 Dieter Goltzsche
2012 Hanns Schimansky
2014 Claus Weidensdorfer
Der Hans Theo Richter-Preis
Sponsored by the Hildegard and Hans Theo Richter Foundation, the Hans Theo Richter Prize has been awarded every two to three years since 1998 and is the highest endowed graphic art prize in Germany at €20,000. The prizewinners are selected by the members of the fine arts class at the Saxon Academy of Arts. The current winner for 2014 is Claus Weidensdorfer.
Hildegard u. Hans T. Richter-Stiftung / Sächs. Akademie der Künste und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Wilfried Krätzschmar, Bernhard Maaz, Sebastian Schmidt, Wolfgang Holler, Renate Wiehager, Jiří T. Kotalík, Ileana Pintilie Teleaga, Georg Reinhardt, Michael Wüstefeld, Werner Schmidt, Bernhard Theilmann, Olaf Nicolai, Jan Brockmann, Matthias Flügge
27 × 21 cm | 183 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 20,00 €

Frank Höhler, Thomas Kläber, Jürgen Matschie, Luc Saalfeld, 2014
»Annäherungen · Eisenhüttenstadt«
A photographic essay
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Andreas Krase, Marcel Beyer
24,5 × 24,5 cm | 103 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 20,00 €

Hanns Schimansky, 2014
»Mikrokanonisches Orchester«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Eugen Blume
27,5 × 23,5 cm | 112 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Harald Metzkes, 2014
Galerie LEO.COPPI Berlin und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Jörg Makarinus, Harald Metzkes
28,5 × 24,5 cm | 87 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Sebastian Rug, 2013
»Im Zeichnen sehen«
Gemeinschaftskatalog Museum Folkwang-Essen und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Tobias Burg
30 × 22 cm | 63 Seiten – 15,00 €

Harald Hauswald, 2013
»Ferner Osten – Die letzten Jahre der DDR«
Lehmstedt Verlag Leipzig und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Christoph Dieckmann
27,5 × 25 cm | 175 Seiten | farb. Abb. – 29,95 €

Eberhard Göschel, 2013
»Neue Bilder«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden und Schloss Kummerow
Text: Matthias Flügge / Eberhard Göschel
24,5 × 30,5 cm | 87 Seiten | farb.+ s./w. Abb. – 25,00 €

Jana Morgenstern, 2013
»Arbeiten 2007 – 2012«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Agnes Matthias
28,5 × 21,5 cm | 59 Seiten | farb. + s./w. Abb. – 18,00 €

Olaf Holzapfel, 2012
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden und DISTANZ Verlag Berlin
Text: Martin Germann, Dieter Roelstraete
26 × 21,5 cm | 111 S. | farb. Abb. | ISBN 978-3-942405-97-3 – 29,95 €

Peter Herrmann, 2012
»Le Querce«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Freitag
21,5 × 27,5 cm | 30 Seiten | farb. + s/w Abb. – 12,00 €

Carlfriedrich Claus, 2012
»Geschrieben in Nachtmeer«
Akademie der Künste Berlin und Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Matthias Flügge, Brigitta Milde, Anke Hervol
43 × 28,5 cm | 48 Seiten | farb.+ s./w. Abb. | großformatiges Magazin – 8,00 €

Peter Makolies, 2011
»Feldsteine 2001 – 2011«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden und Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Matthias Flügge
30,5 × 24,5 cm | 85 Seiten | s/w + farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Micha Ullman, 2011
Leonhardi-Munsem Dresden, Lindenau Museum Altenburg und Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Jutta Penndorf, Matthias Flügge,Chris Newman
27 × 21 cm | 71-47-47 Seiten | farb. + s/w Abb. | 3 catalogs in cardboard slipcase – 28,00 €

Sibylle Bergemann, 2011
»Die Polaroids«
Hatje Cantz, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Jutta Voigt
21,5 × 20 cm | 140 S. | farb. Abb. – 30,00 €

Sibylle Bergemann, 2011
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Edition Braus
Text: Matthias Flügge
26,5 × 23,5 cm | 84 S. | s/w Abb. – 30,00 €

Jan Brokof, 2011
»Concrete Forest / Der Westen war einsam«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Museum Folkwang Essen / Steidel
Text: Tobias Burg, Britt Schlehahn, Bernd Heise
27 × 21 cm | 177 S. | farb. Abb. – 28,00 €

Joachim Böttcher, 2010
»Skulpturengarten – Arbeiten auf Papier«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Freitag, Jens Semrau
28 × 24 cm | 63 S. | farb. Abb. – 15,00 €

Joachim Böttcher, 2010
»Malerei – Zeichnung – Skulptur (2007)«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Galerie Berlin, MCM ART Verlag
Text: Matthias Flügge, Katrin Arrietta, Jens Semrau
28,5 × 24 cm | 120 S. | farb. Abb. – 25,00 €

Konrad Henker, 2010
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Galerie Pankow Berlin
Text: Kerstin Ritschel, Mathias Wagner, Undine Materni
26,5 × 24,5 cm | 43 S. | s/w Abb. – 15,00 €

Monika Brandmeier, 2009
»Sachverhalt – Arbeiten / Works 1982 – 2009«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Tobias Hoffmann, Manuela Ammer, Viola Vahrson, Tan Lin
24 × 30 cm | 150 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 40,00 €

Egon Pukall, 2009
+ Catalogue of the paintings
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Sigrid Walther
28,5 × 24,5 cm | 175 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 30,00 €

Ulrich Wüst, 2009
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Matthias Flügge
28,5 × 21,5 cm | 95 S. | s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

Stefan Nestler, 2009
»Collage Concrete«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Christoph Tannert
21,5 × 30 cm | 63 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 18,00 €

Chris Newman, 2008
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Marietta Franke, Matthias Flügge
26,5 × 21,5 cm | 31 S. | farb. Abb. – 18,00 €

Albert Wigand, 2008
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
With Dr. Roland März (former curator of the Nationalgalerie Berlin, curator of the exhibition “Art in the GDR”) as co-curator and co-editor of the catalog, we have gained a profound connoisseur of Albert Wigand's art.
Text: Ursula Grüß, Wigand, Roland März, Susanne Hebecker,
Dieter Hoffmann, Werner Schmidt, Michael Freitag
25 × 28,5 cm | 303 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 50,00 €

Albert Wigand / Carlfriedrich Claus, 2008
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Verlag für moderne Kunst Carlfriedrich Claus Nürnberg
Text: Roland März
18,5 × 13 cm | 136 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

Lothar Böhme, 2008
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Lindenau Museum Altenburg / Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg
Text: Fritz Jacobi, Jutta Penndorf, Roland März
32,5 × 24,5 cm | 103 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

Goran Djurovic, 2008
Hatje Cantz, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Felicitas Hoppe, Ulrich Oevermann, Iris Possegger, Matthias Flügge
30 × 25 cm | 175 S. | farb. Abb. – 35,00 €

Elisabeth Ahnert, 2007
Leonhardi-Museum, Sesam Verlag Erfurt
Text: Susanne Hebecker
24 × 20,5 cm | 208 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 28,00 €

Max Uhlig, 2007
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Wolfgang Holler
24,5 × 17 cm | 48 S. | s/w Abb. – 12,00 €

Arno Fischer, 2007
»Der Garten«
Hatje Cantz, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: T. S. Eliot, Thomas Martin
23,5 × 33,5 cm | 86 S. | farb. Abb. – 50,00 €

Bodo Korsig, 2007
»Where can I buy a new brain?«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen, Kunstraum Potsdam Waschhaus e. V.
Text: Peter Herbstreuth, Christoph Kellendonk, Norbert Niemann, Isabell Schenk Weinninger
28,5 × 28,5 cm | 112 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 32,00 €

Manet würde sich wundern, 2006
»AG Leonhardi-Museum 1963 – 1990«
Published by Bernd Heise and Angelika Weißbach on the occasion of the exhibition “Manet würde sich wundern AG Leonhardi-Museum 1963 - 1990” at the Leonhardi-Museum from November 24, 2006 to January 21, 2007
Mit Texten von Bernd Roßner, Bernhard Theilmann, Angelika Weißbach
Hrsg. von Bernd Heise und Angelika Weißbach; 26 × 21 cm, 79 Seiten, 81 Abb. -- 18,00 €

Matthias Hoch, 2006
Hatje Cantz, Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Lindenau Museum Altenburg
Text: Jutta Penndorf, Sabine Maria Schmidt, Thomas Seelig, Harald Kunde
24,5 × 30,5 cm | 136 S. | farb. Abb. – 39,80 €

Claus Weidensdorfer, 2006
»Die Regeln und das Spiel«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Wolfgang Holler, Manfred Wiemer, Claus Weidensdorfer
Gestaltung: Horst Schuster
28,5 × 21,5 cm | 56 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 18,00 €

Ralf Kerbach, 2006
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Michael Freitag
28,5 × 21,5 cm | 56 S. | farb. Abb. – 18,00 €

Werner Stötzer, 2006
»Gedanken und Motive«
edition refugium / Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
2. Auflage
Text: Werner Stötzer
18,5 × 13,5 cm | 136 S. | s/w Abb. | 16 Radierungen – 14,00 €

Andrea Franzioch, 2006
»Arbeiten 2003 – 2005«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Bettina Baumgärtel
20,5 × 28 cm | 23 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 12,00 €

Yehudit Sasportas, 2005
»The Cave Light«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Christoph Tannert (englisch / deutsch)
23,5 × 29,5 cm | 45 S. | s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

Yannick Demmerle, 2005
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Arndt & Partner Berlin
Text: Lorie Karnath, Richard Long, Yannick Demmerle (englisch / deutsch)
28 × 22,5 cm | 40 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. –25,00 €

Frank Lippold, 2005
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Christoph Tannert
30 × 21,5 cm | 25 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 18,00 €

Elke Hopfe, 2005
»Dresden 2005«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Wolfgang Holler
Gesprächsprotokoll Ingeborg Ruthe mit Elke Hopfe
23 × 28,5 cm | 35 S. | farb. + s/w. Abb. – 18,00 €

Werner Lieberknecht, 2005
»Die Werkstatt Hermann Glöckners 1987 / Fotografien 1998 – 2004«
2 catalogues in cardboard slipcase
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Rudolf Mayer, T. O. Immisch
21,5 × 22,5 cm | 24 / 24 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 20,00 €

Werner Lieberknecht, 2005
»Die Werkstatt Hermann Glöckners«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Rudolf Mayer, T. O. Immisch
21,5 × 22,5 cm | 24 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 8,00 €

Dieter Goltzsche, 2004
»Malerei und Zeichnungen«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden, Ernst-Schroeder-Gesellschaft Berlin, MCM ART Verlag
Text: Matthias Flügge, Wolfgang Holler
25 × 28,5 cm | 175 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 35,00 €

Klaus Dennhardt, 2004
»acht Ateliers 1970 – 2001«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Christoph Tannert, Peter Herrmann, Rudolf Mayer, Gunter Ziller
22 × 26 cm | 119 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 20,00 €

Cornelia Schleime, 2004
»Von Angesicht zu Angesicht«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Eckhart Gillen, Cornelia Schleime
22,5 × 28,5 cm | 107 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 25,00 €

Holger John, 2004
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Hans-Gerd Koch
21 × 15 cm | 18 S. | s/w Abb. – 6,00 €

Jürgen Schön, 2004
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Heiner Protzmann
21,5 × 30 cm | 45 S. | s/w Abb. – 10,00 €

Hermann Glöckner, 2003
»für Dresden«
Leonhardi-Museum Dresden
Text: Werner Schmidt, Christian Dittrich, Rudolf Mayer
21 × 26 cm | 128 S. | farb. + s/w Abb. – 25,00 €